Nurturing growth and curiosity in our Nursery
The Nursery years are a magical time for any little boy or girl. Their world grows enormously and it can be daunting at first, for both your child and you, but very quickly their sense of wonder and natural curiosity joyfully and voraciously emerge.
Our Nursery, first and foremost, is a safe and caring, homely environment where the wellbeing of every child is our utmost concern. Second only to that is our dedication to their rounded development, and testament to this is the advanced level at which they join Reception, compared to those without the Hydesville head start.
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Joining our Nursery
Children can join Hydesville Tower Nursery during the school term in which they turn three. Children can join on a part-time basis or a full-time basis. All part-time children move to a full-time place at the start of the Summer term before they join Reception.
We are open for a maximum of 49 weeks a year, dependent on demand and are open from 7.30 am - 6.00 pm during term time (38 weeks). Our termly fee covers provision for 38 weeks a year, 8.00am - 6.00pm. There is a small additional charge for 7.30 am - 8.00 am. Outside of these 38 weeks we offer fun clubs (9.00am - 4.00pm) where you have the option to choose for your child to attend as many sessions during these weeks that are suitable for your family.
We are closed for a fortnight at Christmas, one week at the end of the Summer holiday, all Bank Holidays and INSET training days.