Enquiries: 01922 624374
Admissions: 01922 748817

Scholarships and Bursaries

The best of the best

Scholarships are awarded to both new and current pupils joining Year 7. The award of a scholarship offers a discount against tuition fees.

The amount offered is at the discretion of the Headteacher and depends on the level of achievement, all round commitment and leadership in the pupil’s field of excellence.

Please see the tabs below for full details of each Scholarship and the entry criteria.

Academic Scholarships

A pupil who wins an academic scholarship will have an intellectual curiosity and a strong work ethic and will be expected to represent the school in competitions such as the Mathematics Olympiad or writing competitions. In addition, we would expect them to have a thirst and enthusiasm for learning and be resourceful about the different ways of acquiring knowledge and understanding the processes involved. They should be well organised, plan and be prepared to try new experiences. Successful recipients of the Academic Scholarship are expected to display exceptional academic ability. These scholarships will be offered at the sole discretion of the Headteacher.

All pupils will sit an online entrance test. The test requires students to demonstrate a range of skills such as the ability to interpret, infer, deduce and think critically. It is not curriculum-based and does not test the ability to retrieve learned knowledge. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an Interview with the Headteacher.

For new pupils: pupils will sit an online entrance test as part of their taster day. If they score sufficiently highly, they will be invited for an Interview with the Headteacher. For current pupils: pupils will also sit an online entrance test. If they score sufficiently highly, they will be invited for an Interview with the Headteacher.

Art Scholarships

Individuals wishing to be considered for an Art Scholarship should be able to show not only a good standard of artistic ability but also a genuine interest in the subject which is reflected in their out-of-school activities. Scholarships will be awarded to pupils with clear ability, enquiring minds, an enthusiasm for the subject and awareness of other artists’ work.

Both new and current pupils are required to submit the Art Scholarship application form. Applicants must also provide a reference from their current Art teacher supporting their application. New pupils must also attend a taster day. Applicants will also be required to submit a portfolio of work from home and school which demonstrates their artistic abilities. The portfolio should show evidence of a high level of personal creativity, an interest and passion for art and design and be able to demonstrate a range of media that they have explored. The portfolio may include:

  • Drawings from observation and/or imagination.

  • Photographs of three-dimensional projects they may have worked on.

  • Studies which show evidence of the use of a variety of art materials.

  • Projects that show how the candidates have explored and developed their ideas on a theme from initial observations to a final personal realisation.

  • Evidence that visiting museums and galleries has influenced their work/ideas.

In addition, applicants must provide a brief written statement about their Artwork, artistic interests and activities.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an Art Assessment Day. During this day, pupils will be asked to complete a short drawing assignment. If performing sufficiently highly during the Assessment Day, the candidate will be invited to undertake an interview with the Headteacher and the Head of Art.

Scholars should show significant commitment to their Artwork and contribute creatively to the School’s artistic life. They are expected to take part in Art-related extra-curricular sessions. They should submit work for the ISA Art competition on an annual basis. They will be expected to produce artwork for exhibitions within school and the wider community. Art Scholars should be willing to demonstrate their skills/guide other pupils as required. Art Scholars will be anticipated to take GCSE Art as an option in Year 10.

Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships are offered to those pupils who show ability, commitment and potential in their chosen instrument at audition. In addition to grade achievement, a fundamental passion and musical ambition will be looked for, along with a willingness to participate and contribute to the rich musical life of the School.

Applicants are selected by means of a musical audition and interview. The audition and interview for a Music Scholarship are intended to discover musical ability, potential and willingness to commit to the musical life of the school. Applicants should be able to perform accurately to a high standard on their main instrument or voice and demonstrate confidence and enthusiasm.

Qualifications in ABRSM/Trinity Guildhall/Rock School (or equivalent) and Theory of Music examinations are not a necessity but would be preferred. As a guide, a Grade 3 standard or better would be indicative of the pupil’s ability and potential. Prospective candidates should already be involved in music-making, representing their school through an orchestra, band or choir or participating in other musical ensembles as part of a local or community setting.

Both new and current pupils are required to submit the Music Scholarship application form. Applicants must also provide a reference from their current Music teacher supporting their application. New pupils must also attend a taster day.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an Assessment Day. During this day, pupils will be asked to:

  • Perform two prepared pieces contrasted in character. If the applicant can play more than one instrument/voice and wishes to do so we would encourage them to perform each piece using a different instrument/voice.

  • Respond to aural tests led by the Head of Music, including clap back a short rhythm, sing back a tune and identify expressive characteristics such as changes in dynamics, tempo and articulation.

If performing sufficiently highly during the Assessment Day, the candidate will be invited to undertake an interview with the Headteacher, and the Head of Music.

  • Participate fully in the musical life of the school.

  • Take a leading role in choirs, orchestras and ensembles according to their interest and expertise.

  • Attend and perform at concerts held by the school.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts Scholarships are open to those who have talents in Drama or Dance. Applicants can choose either one or both disciplines to be assessed in and are expected to excel in those chosen areas.

Individuals wishing to be considered for this award will be expected to perform regularly in productions and workshops. They should be enthusiastic, engaged and willing to experiment with new ideas, methods and genres. Scholars must be willing to get involved in the many facets of the Drama Department’s work and activities, including technical elements of stage production.

Applicants applying for a Performing Arts Scholarship must demonstrate significant ability as a stage performer combined with commitment to working as part of a creative team. All Performing Arts scholars are expected to be involved in a Drama/Dance club or society separate to their current school provision, in addition to having taken part in school productions.

Both new and current pupils are required to submit the Performing Arts Scholarship application form. Applicants must also provide a reference from their current Dance/Drama teacher supporting their application. Any additional information including evidence of work towards RAD, ISTD, IDTA, LAMDA exams should also be submitted. New pupils must also attend a taster day.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an Assessment Day.

During this day, pupils will take part in a short practical session which is designed to assess the dramatic skills of the candidates. They will also be asked to perform a short monologue, which they should have memorised for the occasion. (Please note that the piece to be performed should be a monologue from a published play and not a poem or any other written piece).

Applicants should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their character and of the whole play. They should also be prepared to accept and implement directorial suggestions.

For the Dance audition, applicants will be asked to prepare a short dance in the style of their choice, during which their technical capability will be assessed.

Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate their singing ability as part of the audition if appropriate.

If performing sufficiently highly during the Assessment Day, the candidate will be invited to undertake an interview with the Headteacher, and the Head of Music/Performing Arts.

  • Involvement in all productions/concerts at the school.

  • Be fully committed to attending all rehearsal and clubs relating to Performing Arts.

  • Be an excellent ambassador for their chosen disciplines.

  • Play a leading part in House events.


Each year we award Sports Scholarships to those individuals who demonstrate aspirations to progress and achieve high levels of success within their chosen sport.

In general, potential to reach, or already be playing at club level is expected, and regional representation would be within the capabilities of the successful scholar. Successful applicants will be expected to make a contribution to our main school sports: football, netball, athletics, hockey and cricket.

Applicants are expected to show exceptional promise in at least one sport and have an established record of achievement at their current school and at club/regional level.

Both new and current pupils are required to submit the Sport Scholarship application form. provide a record of their sporting achievements at a high level and provide a reference from their current PE teacher or coach supporting their application. Any additional information and references from external clubs should also be submitted.

New pupils must also attend a taster day.

Successful applicants will be invited to attend an Assessment Day.

During this day, pupils will be assessed in a series of physical activities including agility, stamina, fitness, teamwork, attitude to training and specific sport ability.

If performing sufficiently highly during the Assessment Day, the candidate will be invited to undertake an interview with the Headteacher, and the Director of Sport.

  • Scholars are expected to be fully committed to the school’s sports teams throughout the academic year.

  • They will also be required to respond well to guidance, work well in a team and demonstrate good leadership skills, whether by example or captaincy.

  • Participate in House Sport events.

  • Make a strong commitment to the school by participating in, supporting, assisting and representing the school in a range of sports and extra-curricular clubs and activities.

  • Act as a good role model for other pupils to follow, showing that they could act as a link between the staff and pupils.

  • ·Sports Scholars will be anticipated to take GCSE PE as an option in Year 10.

  • Aspire to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and be keen to improve their leadership skills.

Key dates for the Year 7 Scholarship Programme for entry in September 2025:


Thursday 17th October 2024


Scholarship applications will open


November and December 2024 – Mondays and Fridays


Taster days will take place on Mondays and Fridays throughout November and December 2024.


Friday 17th January 2025.


The deadline for applying for a Scholarship (in any subject)


20th January – 24th January 2025


The Scholarship Assessment Week and interviews will take place between 20th January – 24th January 2025.


Friday 14th February 2025


Scholarships will be awarded on Friday 14th February 2025.


Friday 7th March 2025


The deadline to accept a Scholarship offer is Friday 7th March 2025

Financial Assistance Bursaries

We offer a limited number of bursaries to make an independent education accessible to children who we believe can make a positive contribution to school life and who demonstrate a love of learning and high standards of behaviour.

All bursaries are means-tested and awarded based on a household’s financial situation and subject to the availability of school bursary funds. A bursary is awarded at the discretion of the Headteacher and is reviewed periodically.

Hydesville Tower School

Admissions:01922 748817

Office:01922 624734